The Island of Reality
It was cold and raining in Sydney when I left that fateful day for an island in the Witsundays hoping for a new start. Among the excess baggage I carried with myself was a prized red towel, a jersey from a failed relationship, fear of people in the industry and most important of all, running into the same problem, that is people with a penchant for verbal abuse and who have contributed to my feeling of self worthlessness. However, the first sight of this beautiful paradise shed away a few doubts, well at least as it appears to be. You can never underestimate the power of reality to search and destroy. The welcome letter from the company gave me an idea that this would be a different experience. Indeed, the first sight, as we approached the harbour, was a group of enthusiastic GOs waving at us for our proper welcome. In case you wanted to know, GOs stand for Gracious Organizers, to realize later that some disgruntled elements in the island would refer to as Generally Obnoxious, lol...